Words and Wisdom
Constant Wind Makes Strong Legs
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not to your own
understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your path straight.
Excited by my new greenhouse and the prospect of growing an abundance of flowers and vegetables, I called a friend with experience in greenhouse growing. She told me she wanted to help me learn from the mistakes she made when she first started. One suggestion surprised me.
She said, “Keep a fan constantly blowing on the plants from the time they are planted.”
I said, “But it’s January. I’ve already planted, and I am running a heater to keep the
seeds warm, but I should use a fan?”
“The fans are not because of weather.” she said, “The wind blowing the plants back and forth make the stems strong and prevent them becoming spindly.”
Like strong wind on small plants, the difficulties we face in life are not always pleasant. Through constant resistance to the winds of life, we grow. We learn from the Bible, God never intends a trial to destroy us but to strengthen us.
We don’t go through trials to show God how we’ll react to something adverse, He
already knows. Only when we are tested, do we know our own weaknesses. Scriptures tell us to lean on Him, with faith in His ability and knowing He loves us enough to see us through.
Precious Lord, when I face stiff winds, help me understand my weakness and grow in the areas I need to improve. Help me not to focus on circumstances but look only to You and dive deeper in the Bible. I believe Your Word, You will make my paths straight.